Type Parameters

  • F

  • S


  • Iterable<F | S>
  • ArrayLike<F | S>
    • Tuple


[index: number]: F | S


0: F
1: S
length: 2


  • Returns Iterator<F | S, any, undefined>

  • Applies the second value of a tuple to the second value of this

    Type Parameters

    • T

    • S2


    Returns functional.Tuple<F, S2>

  • Transforms the two values inside this with two mapper functions

    Type Parameters

    • F2

    • S2


    • f: ((fst) => F2)
        • (fst): F2
        • Parameters

          • fst: F

          Returns F2

    • g: ((snd) => S2)
        • (snd): S2
        • Parameters

          • snd: S

          Returns S2

    Returns functional.Tuple<F2, S2>

  • Compares the values inside this and another tuple


    Returns boolean

  • Tests whether both elements in the tuple pass the test implemented by the provided function


    • pred: ((value) => boolean)
        • (value): boolean
        • Parameters

          • value: F | S

          Returns boolean

    Returns boolean

  • Type Parameters

    • F2

    • S2


    • f: ((fst) => F2)
        • (fst): F2
        • Parameters

          • fst: F

          Returns F2

    • g: ((snd) => S2)
        • (snd): S2
        • Parameters

          • snd: S

          Returns S2

    Returns functional.Tuple<F2, S2>

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Type Parameters

    • S2


    • f: ((snd) => S2)
        • (snd): S2
        • Parameters

          • snd: S

          Returns S2

    Returns functional.Tuple<F, S2>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • reducer: ((accumulator, value) => T)
        • (accumulator, value): T
        • Parameters

          • accumulator: T
          • value: S

          Returns T

    • initialValue: T

    Returns T

  • Returns the first value of this

    Returns F

  • Returns string

  • Applies a function to the second value of this

    Type Parameters

    • S2


    • f: ((snd) => S2)
        • (snd): S2
        • Parameters

          • snd: S

          Returns S2

    Returns functional.Tuple<F, S2>

  • Applies a function to the first value of this

    Type Parameters

    • F2


    • f: ((fst) => F2)
        • (fst): F2
        • Parameters

          • fst: F

          Returns F2

    Returns functional.Tuple<F2, S>

  • A somewhat arbitrary implementation of Foldable for Tuple, the reducer will be passed the initial value and the second value inside this as arguments

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • reducer: ((accumulator, value) => T)
        • (accumulator, value): T
        • Parameters

          • accumulator: T
          • value: S

          Returns T

    • initialValue: T

    Returns T

  • Returns the second value of this

    Returns S

  • Tests whether at least one element in the tuple passes the test implemented by the provided function


    • pred: ((value) => boolean)
        • (value): boolean
        • Parameters

          • value: F | S

          Returns boolean

    Returns boolean

  • Returns an array with 2 elements - the values inside this

    Returns [F, S]

  • Returns [F, S]

  • Returns string

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